Crawl Cosplay Academy

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Jeremiah, Barachi Dreamer

Jeremiah is a peaceful dreamer, who made the mistake of dozing off while gazing into a magical orb. In their dreams, they were visited by an old and hateful power, which bound them to its service as all barachim were bound long ago. Now Jeremiah stumbles through the dungeon, searching for the precious dreamshard that will restore their master's power, unsure whether the wake or slumber still. Their dreams leak into reality in the form of a constant stream of butterflies.

Jeremiah asks: Have you seen the dreamshard? I... I need it...

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View YouTube videos of this CCA challenge by:

- particleface v0.33 trunk
- Dumacalath v0.33 trunk

Challenge Details


The Species, Background, and God choices are all mandatory. You must be worshipping one of the gods listed above before entering Lair, Orcish Mines, the Vaults or Depths, unless this isn't possible in which case you must worship them as soon as you can. Don't use faded altars (except in challenges where you can choose any god), and don't do anything to lose your religion unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Except for Beogh, Ignis, Jiyva and Lugonu, an altar for the other gods will ALWAYS show up by D:10.


  • Listen to the advice of Cheibriados and take your time with this one. As a barachi you will start with slow movement speed, and then as you gain piety this will only get worse. Each time you take a step, every enemy on screen will be taking multiple actions. Making one wrong move in the middle of combat can cause you to immediately die, this is not a forgiving challenge.

  • To compensate for this, Barachi have exceptional aptitudes and cheibriados will increase all of your attributes to extremely high values. This will allow you to basically do it all: wear heavy armor, cast powerful spells, wield deadly weaponry, and maintain high evasion. You just need to stand still most of the time. Also keep in mind that Hop is not a slow action, use it to reposition during combat instead of walking.

  • Which is where your summons come in. While you are rooted in place you can play the role of battlefield commander. You should look to have all of your available summons in play as much as possible. To start, you can have two mammals, followed by a single imp, and then a single canine familiar. While the summons march into the fray, you can stand behind them and make reach attacks with your polearm. Do note that half of your attacks will fail when reaching over an ally, but this is still very worthwhile.

  • Later on you will unlock lightning spire which is an extremely powerful ranged summon that can hit multiple opponents in a line. Learning to position yourself and your allies around it properly will take practice but will pay dividends. You will also unlock blazeheart golem, which is a strong summon when managed correctly, but it is recommended that you skip it this time because it requires too much repositioning on your part to be effective.

  • Most of your god powers are situational, and your poor invocations aptitude makes it costly to bring them all online. Eventually you should aim to get at least 10-12 invocations skill so you can at least activate slouch reliably. It does significant screen-wide damage based on the difference between your speed and the targets, but does not scale directly off of invocations. This is a very useful tool when you are getting overwhelmed.

Cosplay conduct points

1. Summoning

Cast summoning spells 100 times or more.

2. Weapon

Wield a polearm.

3. Summoning

Train Summoning skill to level 12 or higher.

Conducts are worth +5 points each, to a maximum of half your score from milestones, rounded down. (So if you achieve 3 milestones (15 points) you can earn up to 7 points from conducts.) Small mistakes in following conducts will usually be forgiven. These challenges are built around a best-practice approach. If you broke some conduct or bonus because it was "better" to do so, explain why you did when you submit your morgue.

NOTE: for CCA, the first 2 conducts are usually to help you make choices at startup or in early game, while the 3rd conduct is usually a small fun challenge.

Bonus challenges

1. High STR

By the time you reach level 15 or even way before, start wearing armor with ER of 10 or higher. Your stat gains from Cheibriados will make this easier than you might expect.

2. Slow and steady

Reach six star piety for Cheibriados (for a total bonus of +15 to all attributes)... and gain a rune!

Bonus challenges are worth one star each, similar to banners in Crawl tournaments. Small mistakes will usually be forgiven.

The 1st bonus can usually be accomplished after clearing the Dungeon (D), Lair (L) & the Orcish Mines (O), while the 2nd bonus will be a bit more challenging and will involve something like: "...and get your first rune!" as a caveat.


  • Reach XL3.
  • Enter Lair, Orc, or Depths.
  • Reach the bottom of Dungeon, Lair, or Orc.
  • Collect your first rune.
  • Find the entrance to Zot. (Just using magic mapping doesn't count.)
  • Collect your third rune.
  • Win the game.

The main way to score points. +5 points each, and can be done in any order.