Crawl Cosplay Academy

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About Crawl Cosplay Academy (CCA)


Want to improve your gameplay while having fun doing it? With the Crawl Cosplay Academy (CCA), you'll play easier combos of different playstyles as you learn to survive longer. And hopefully win many games sooner than later, while playing characters based on DCSS Uniques such as our maskot, Snorg:

The gists

The Crawl Cosplay Academy is intended as a prequel to the weekly Crawl Cosplay Challenge (CCC) and yet, on its own, it is so much more.

As a prequel, it's for players who don't feel they have the skills necessary to compete in the Crawl Cosplay Challenge at a level that isn't just beginner.

In general though, the audience is DCSS players who are fairly new to the game or haven't won at least a couple of games.

Your Process

There are 4 playstyles with 3 uniques each: Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Hybrid, and Magic.

Hover over a Unique's graphic to see their descriptions, and then click on one of them to open the Unique's challenge's details page.

------------Melee Brutes------------

-----------Ranged Weapons-----------


----------Mostly Magic----------

Each CCA challenge has 3 conducts and 2 bonuses. The 3 conducts are specific to getting you to the Lair and/or Orcish Mines entrance(s).

NOTE: Do not go passed D:12 before clearing the Lair and the Orcish Mines, as you will likely experience YASD!

Conducts 1 & 2 will usually be related to decisions you need to take in the early game, and the 3rd conduct will usually be a small challenge to add some fun.

The 1st bonus can usually be accomplished by the time you've cleared the Dungeon (D), Lair (L) & the Orcish Mines (O), while the 2nd bonus will be a bit more challenging and will usually end with something like: "...and get your first rune!" as a caveat.

All of the conducts and bonuses are optional.

After you complete a good game (with either a win or YASD), just submit your morgue on the Unique's challenge details webpage. To track your progress, click on your name on that last page mentioned.

Feel free to submit a morgue as soon as you've improved your score. Your best 2 runs for a specific challenge will be kept in the website's database.


Why aren't easy combos like Minotaur Fighter (MiFi) or Minotaur Beserker (MiBe) not one of the 12 CCA challenges?

Simple, you won't find some of the easiest combos such as MiFi and GrEE because there are not any DCSS Uniques that fill those combos.

Need more help than what's on the challenge details' page?

Ask all your questions to the Crawl Cosplay community on our Discord server. Our @VIPs group will likely be available to help!

When should I start playing the weekly Crawl Cosplay Challenges?

You can start whenever but once you have 4 wins with one in each of the 4 playstyles, you'll likely feel ready to compete at an intermediate level in the weekly Crawl Cosplay Challenge.


    to view your morgue/dump press the # key in-game.
    add the following to you RCfile (online) or your init.txt file (offline) to have intermediate monsters show up with a yellow backgroung:

    tile_show_threat_levels = tough,nasty,unusual    

Happy Crawling!

RoGGa, PieDemon (aka Tsarmina) for most of the 12 challenges' write-ups, our webdev team and the @VIPs in discord.