Crawl Cosplay Challenge

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Set 15 Week 2 : Murray the Demonic Talking Skull

A demonic skull rolling along the ground.

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GargoyleNecromancer or SummonerKikubaaqudgha

The Species, Background, and God choices are all mandatory. You must be worshipping one of the gods listed above before entering Lair, Orcish Mines, the Vaults or Depths, unless this isn't possible in which case you must worship them as soon as you can. Don't use faded altars (except in challenges where you can choose any god), and don't do anything to lose your religion unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Except for Beogh, Ignis, Jiyva and Lugonu, an altar for the other gods will ALWAYS show up by D:10.


Player Score★★ Year
Ge0ff 50 2020
TheMeInTeam 50 2020
krigyl 50 2020
RoGGa 50 2024
melvinkitnick 40 2020
MrSquiggles 30 2024

Cosplay conduct points

1. Weapons

Only train Unarmed Combat and Fighting for weapons.

2. Religion

Invoke Torment/Sign of Ruin against a group of 8 or more susceptible enemies. (You must Invoke torment with Kiku's ability; other methods like reading a scroll don't count.)

3. Branch

Enter any Hell branch. (The vestibule doesn't count.)

Conducts are worth +5 points each, to a maximum of half your score from milestones, rounded down. (So if you achieve 4 milestones (20 points) you can earn up to 10 points from conduct bonuses.) Small mistakes in following conducts will usually be forgiven.

Bonus challenges

1. Bite Me

Kill one of Geryon or any lord of Hell, affecting them using only Necromancy spells, including those that create undead allies. While trying to kill them, you can still use other things to attack other monsters that are present (which can be a good way to generate more undead allies).

2. Alas, Poor Yorick!

Don't wear any armour at all, including aux armour, other than helmets/hats. Don't cast Dragon Form (other form-changing talismans/spells are fine).

Bonus challenges are worth one star each, similar to banners in Crawl tournaments. Small mistakes will usually be forgiven.


  • Reach XL3.
  • Enter Lair, Orc, or Depths.
  • Reach the bottom of D, Lair, or Orc.
  • Collect your first rune.
  • Find the entrance to Zot. (Just using magic mapping doesn't count.)
  • Collect your third rune.
  • Win the game.

The main way to score points. +5 points each, and can be done in any order.