Crawl Cosplay Challenge

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Adding new Submission for Set 3 Week 5 : Frances, Duchess of Pandemonium

Milestones (+5 each)

The main way to score points. +5 points each, and can be done in any order. (You don't need to tell me which milestones you achieve.)

Conducts (+5 each*) Don't wear any type of dragon scales.

Train Invocations to skill level 14 (if human) or 21 (if demonspawn).

Enter Pandemonium. You don't have to do anything there. If you've never been in Pan before, know that exits are random and never guaranteed on a Pan level, though you're sure to find one eventually. Many exits are through the Abyss; it's helpful to have the Abyssal rune beforehand.

* Conducts are worth +5 points each, to a maximum of half your score from milestones, rounded down. (So if you achieve 4 milestones (20 points) you can earn up to 10 points from conduct bonuses.) Please indicate which conducts you qualify for when you post your morgue.

Bonus Reach the bottom of Lair without using any potions or scrolls.

Get a rune from Pandemonium during the orb run.

Bonus challenges are worth one star each, similar to banners in Crawl tournaments. Please indicate challenges that you qualify for.

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