Crawl Cosplay Challenge

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Adding new Submission for Set 20 Week 1 : Spellforged Servitor

Milestones (+5 each)

The main way to score points. +5 points each, and can be done in any order. (You don't need to tell me which milestones you achieve.)

Conducts (+5 each*) Always have Conjuration and Summoning as your highest spell schools, when you have any spell schools higher than skill level 8. Conjuration and Summoning can be in any order and do not have to be the same level as long as both are higher than any other spell school. (Only base skill levels apply.)

Only Magic Dart, Summoning, and spells from the Servitor's list from the version you're playing. Iskenderun's Battlesphere is considered a Summoning spell for this challenge.

No shields and only unskilled unarmed or throwing attacks are allowed. Weapons/Staves (inscribe with {!a}) and orbs may still be held, and wands/evocables may be trained and used.

* Conducts are worth +5 points each, to a maximum of half your score from milestones, rounded down. (So if you achieve 4 milestones (20 points) you can earn up to 10 points from conduct bonuses.) Please indicate which conducts you qualify for when you post your morgue.

Bonus Only have one summoning and one combat spell memorized at any given time and collect a rune. The bonus is achieved when the rune is collected but the restriction continues through the entire game. The two memorized spells may be changed as frequently as needed as long as only one summoning and one damage spell are memorized at a time. On versions prior to 0.31, the Statue Form spell may also be memorized but no other Transmutations spells are allowed.

Be in statue form from the time you enter Zot until you win the game. Dispelled Transmutations must reenter the form as soon as reasonably possible. If you have cleared Elf, Crypt, and have 5 runes without finding statue form, the bonus may be satisfied by having Shapeshifting or Transmutations at skill level 16. If you find statue form before ascending you must enter statue form as soon as reasonably possible.

Bonus challenges are worth one star each, similar to banners in Crawl tournaments. Please indicate challenges that you qualify for.

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