Crawl Cosplay Trunk Tournament

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Trunk Tournament for trunk v0.32 Week 4 : Blorkula the Orcula

Once a gangly and bedraggled vampire with a strange obsession with colour, Blorkula was offered succor by a missionary of Beogh and became a portly and vigorous orc with a strange obsession with colour instead. He wields magic tinged with every hue of the rainbow and has mastered the art of dividing his own form among its many colours to avoid killing blows.

Submission Closed | Wiki page | See Reddit post

VampireIce Elementalist, Fire Elementalist, Air Elementalist, Earth Elementalist or AlchemistBeogh

The Species, Background, and God choices are all mandatory. You must be worshipping one of the gods listed above before entering Lair, Orcish Mines, the Vaults or Depths, unless this isn't possible in which case you must worship them as soon as you can. Don't use faded altars (except in challenges where you can choose any god), and don't do anything to lose your religion unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: Except for Beogh, Ignis, Jiyva and Lugonu, an altar for the other gods will ALWAYS show up by D:10.

Special Rule or Notes


Player Score★★ Year
piedemon 50 2024
GeeHouse 50 2024
TheMeInTeam 50 2024
fralargala 50 2024
MrSquiggles 50 2024
TCC 50 2024
Wizard1ke 50 2024
Blyxx 50 2024
grothendieck 50 2024
Tekkud 50 2024
jt 45 2024
Rem 25 2024
RoGGa 20 2024
tswn 20 2024
cfcfcfcfcf 20 2024
MrDizzy 20 2024
nojaa 15 2024
NitroKuite 15 2024
riffraff 15 2024
lontrex 15 2024
Arcadio 15 2024
RepoMan 15 2024
Colgate 15 2024
HourglassMan 5 2024
bignoob 5 2024
goupaloupa 5 2024
Hsik 5 2024

Cosplay conduct points

1. Magic

Assign a spell to your Spellforged Servitor.

If you do not have the Spellforged Servitor spell in your game by the time you have 5 runes and visited 10 Ziggurat floors, you earn this conduct's points.

2. Beogh

Take the first 3 warrior apostles available, and only use warrior apostles for the remainder of the game. (You can replace apostles with new warriors, and you may still have early priest/wizard apostles until 3 warriors are available.)

NOTE & EDIT: if you still don't have 3 warrior apostles after 5 runes and 10 zig floors, you qualify for the conduct.

3. I like new shiny spells! (iteration #2)

Learn at least 2 of the following spells and use it at least 10 times each:

  • MagnaVolt
  • PermaFrost Eruption
  • Hoarfrost Cannonade
  • Hellfire Mortar

If you do not have 2 of these spells by the time you have 5 runes and have visited 10 Ziggurat floors, you get this conduct.

Conducts are worth +5 points each, to a maximum of half your score from milestones, rounded down. (So if you achieve 4 milestones (20 points) you can earn up to 10 points from conduct bonuses.)

Bonus challenges

1. Blood for Blood

During the Orb run, get one of your apostles killed and use the ability: "Blood for Blood" while standing over its corpse. Keep in mind that you will need to have 5* of piety to use this ability.

2. Batman!...huh...Batorc?!?!

Get a rune, while being in bat form the entire time you are in that rune branch.

Note: The abyssal and Pandemonium runes are not eligible for this bonus challenge.

EDIT: you also need to be in bat form until you leave the branch.

Bonus challenges are worth one star each, similar to banners in Crawl tournaments.


  • Reach XL3.
  • Enter Lair, Orc, or Depths.
  • Reach the bottom of D, Lair, or Orc.
  • Collect your first rune.
  • Find the entrance to Zot. (Just using magic mapping doesn't count.)
  • Collect your third rune.
  • Win the game.

The main way to score points. +5 points each, and can be done in any order.