Crawl Cosplay Sudden Death Tournament

Come chat with us on our Discord server

Welcome to the Crawl Cosplay Sudden Death Tournament (CCSDT) for v0.32!

Competition Format

  • Each week's challenge consists of playing a Crawl Unique's combo.
  • You get one attempt to play each combo.
  • The goal is to advance as far as possible (and win!) in each game, scoring points by reaching various in-game milestones.
  • Only games played and milestones scored between 00:00 UTC on the start and end dates count.


  • Week 1 : 2024-11-01 to 2024-11-07 — Frances, a Human Gladiator (HuGl)
  • Week 2 : 2024-11-08 to 2024-11-14 — Sojobo, a Tengu Air Elementalist (TeAE)
  • Week 3 : 2024-11-15 to 2024-11-21 — The Enchantress, a Spriggan Enchanter (SpEn)
  • Week 4 : 2024-11-22 to 2024-11-28 — Natasha, a Felid Necromancer (FeNe)
  • Week 5 : 2024-11-29 to 2024-12-05 — Amaemon, a Demonspawn Alchemist (DsAl)

Signing Up

In order to sign up, set the first line of your 0.32 rcfile to

# ccsdt

on any of the official online servers before the end of the first week. Your name will appear in the standings once you've done this correctly and started at least one 0.32 game (though it may take about 20 minutes before it does).


for: v0.32

Rules, Scoring and Credits

See the CCSDT About page.