Crawl Cosplay Challenge

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To be Moderated: 0 Admin

Set 12

Week 1. Blorkula the Orcula Vampire, Any, Beogh
Week 2. Dowan and Duvessa, Elven Siblings Deep Elf, Mage or Melee, Hepliaklqana
Week 3. The Hellbinder Human, Summoner, Nemelex Xobeh
Week 4. Gloorx Vloq, Demon Lord of Darkness Demonspawn, Necromancer, Vehumet
Week 5. Erolcha the Cunning Oni/Ogre, Wizard, Any except Trog
Player Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ge0ff 250 10 5050505050
TheMeInTeam 250 10 5050505050
MrSquiggles 245 4 4550505050
agentchuck 195 7 505050 45
RoGGa 157 1 3030255022
Gutso 145 4 505045  
krigyl 137 4 22452050 
Graveyardigan 122 2 22302050 
Berder 100 4    5050
AbyssCosplay 100 2 5050   
MauveAvengr 95 4  50 3015
agentgt 95 2  5045  
Djent 66 0 15227 22
fabreeze 55 1  1540  
Pseudoku 51 0 72215 7
Behavioral 50 2    50 
pedritolo 50 2  50   
piedemon 50 2    50 
Tyrant 50 2  50   
cashto 50 1  50   
poncheis 50 1    50 
Vintevios 50 1  50   
Boodz 45 1     45
Bronco 44 0    2222
trondwin 37 0    2215
Zeunysos 37 0    37 
Strat 30 0 30    
cron3 22 0   22  
destino 22 0    22 
Gulav 22 0    22 
stasibear 22 0     22
Klatu 20 0   20  
wizard44 15 0    15 
sammydre 7 0  7