Crawl Cosplay Sudden Death Tournament

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Week 1 — AtHu

CCSDT for DCSS v0.32

Week 1 — AtHu

Week of 2024-09-23
Character: Armataur Hunter
Tier I Bonus: Reach the end of Lair at XL ≤ 12.
Tier II Bonus: Reach the end of the Vaults at XL ≤ 18.
Gods: Ashenzari, Ashenzari, Ashenzari
Player Unique Kill Branch Enter Branch End Champion God Collect a Rune Collect 3 Runes Obtain the Orb Win Bonus I Bonus II Total
cfcfcfcfcf 0
Colgate 0
HourglassMan 0
Jannitor 0
Strat 0
TheMeInTeam 0
MysticSailboat 0
PigKeeper 0
goupaloupa 0
RoGGa 0
Blyxx 0
piedemon 0
Overview - Details - StandingsWeek 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5 - Updated: 2024-10-05 09:14 UTC